Access Options
  • 01 Feb 2024
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Access Options

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Article summary

Access options.png

Who can complete this form

Public/Outside world - Anyone can fill out this form using the link, typically used as a first point to get people onto your system and also to take payments for public ticketing etc

Auto login link only - Can be used to gather more information for somebody already existing on your system, a unique form will be generated using the email address and user profile which when filled out can sync back to their profile. It can also show them information VIA mail merge you may have manually placed in their profile, like a schedule for example.

It is VERY important that if you are using an autologin form, to use autologin links in an email template to send these forms to people.


If they already have a system on the account, should they be presented with a login screen to input username and password. Usually you will be using Autologin links to avoid this screen being shown. If you are presented with a login screen you wish to remove on the form and let people fill it in again with the same email address, you can set this to no.

Access levels

Access levels dictate who is able to make edits to a forms structure, or see and interact with registrations. If you need to restrict access or give access to a user you can select their user type. For example if you were to set your volunteer manager not to change settings, but yes to view registrations, they would be able to see who has applied but not alter any of the form settings.

Autologin links

Auto login links are used any time you want to interact with a contact who has a profile within your system. In effect, whenever it is not a public, application form, you want to use an autologin link. You must send this link via email to allow the system to generate the users unique login url.