Accomodation Panel Overview
  • 16 Sep 2022
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Accomodation Panel Overview

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Article summary

Accommodation Panel

In the pop up panel you can save information against a particular company or contact. For example giving and artist or contractor accreditation, or assigning their accommodation options. 

When you open up the pop up panel you will have a selection of sections in the drop down. These relate directly to the profile fields you have setup for this section.  In this section we will look at the default Accommodation profile fields that come with festival pro, but if you have created custom fields then these will also show in the categories you set them up within.

image.png     You can access the panel pop up anywhere you see either the 'Schedule' button or the monitor icon next to a contact and it will bring up the panel to begin editing.

Name Of Hotel-  Select the hotel for this stay. You can change the default fields that come with festival pro

Accommodation Notes- Make any notes that might be relevant to this stay

Booking Name- Name the room(s) are booked under

Number Of People In Party- How many people are in the party

Number Of Hotel Rooms- How many hotel rooms have been booked at this location for this contact

Check In / Check Out- What time are they to check in and out (this will be displayed on the contacts schedule)

Add Another - If you need to add another set of accommodation, perhaps rooms at another hotel or another stay entirely, you can add another and repeat the previous steps.

Will this act have accommodation- This is a search filter checkbox to mark if accommodation is required for them. 

Accommodation Booked- Mark when the accommodation has been booked 

Accommodation Costs - Input the accommodation costs here to keep you costs widgets up to date