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How does the app configuration settings work?
In the configuration settings you will see a new tab called "App" This is where the app feed which goes to the festival pro app can be customised and configured to show relevant data.
In this article we will cover every single option, how it works and what it does.
By turning on APPFEED it will add the JSON structure to put the information on the app to the existing JSON. You can get this feed by typing any system name and add "/app.json" to the end. So for example basscoast.festivalpro.com/app.json
(You can use any NON ALPHA system name and it will work. All events with appdata turned on will show in the JSON regardless of which system name you use)
This will look at the type of contact field in general and if it = ARTISTS - It will add them to the ARTISTS report in the JSON. This report only brings in artists linked to a show/performance.
VENDORLIST is different to ARTISTLIST as it requires a JSON bookmark to be created and the URL to be pasted into this field. It should look something like the below image,
Sponsorlist works the same as the above vendorlist
Venues works the same as artistlist and uses the type field and VENUE to work.
Performances is hardcoded and is currently always FPPERFORMANCES;Performances
Shows list gets a little more technical. In here it will always start with FPSHOWS then ;
Then we want to create the name for the menu item that will be clickable in the app
FPSHOWS;Dance Shows
After we do this we then want to specify what type of show we want to show once the menu item is clicked (This is hard coded to the Show type field which is also defined below)
FPSHOWS;Dance Shows|Dance
If we want to show multiple different types we might use a / between the types
FPSHOWS;Dance Shows|Dance/Music/Speaker
If we want to show all shows inside the type field we would use an asterisk *
FPSHOWS;All Shows|*
And finally if you want multiple menu items we would separate using the | character.
FPSHOWS;Dance Shows|Dance;Music Shows|Music;All Shows|*
Show name will map the show name using the field name in the shows group. If you had a system where show name was instead "Show Title" you would put the words show title here instead.
This again works the same as the above, whichever show image you want to use from the shows group, type the field name into here.
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
This is the field that is hard coded to be looked at for the menu items for "SHOWS"
Here we can define which multievents to pull into the app if the system is a multievent system. You can find the multievent id in the Multievents tab in Config - Settings - Multi Events - Please comma separate these
This field uses a field ID to show the artist photo
This also uses field id and could be used with Artist Type
COLOUR1 2 3 4
{Sets colours in the app but i do not know what currently}
Uses the field name and shows the package a sponsor may be on in the app (GOLD SPONSOR)
Same as above (uses field name)
Uses the field name for a Sponsor Logo
Uses field name
Also uses field name from vendor area to display vendor picture
Can display another image like "Image of good for sale" Also uses the field name
Uses field name
Uses field name like Stage/Venue
Uses field from the performance group and field name like: Performance Type
News requires an export from the news area of the system (which will have a button added soon to the production tab) You can choose what you export here, make a bookmark and link it into here
MENULINK 1 2 3 4 5
Menu links are used to create quick and easy ways for people to get from the app to external sites like going from the app to Festivalpro.com
This can be changed to allow different calendar views {More documentation needs adding}
BOTTOMMENU can be configured to choose what will be clickable on the bottom menu section of the app {Needs more documenting as to how it actually works though and what it connects to}