Configuration - Settings
  • 15 Dec 2022
  • 2 Minutes to read
  • Contributors
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Configuration - Settings

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Article Summary

Configuration Settings

Please note, that we give you a lot of under the hood access to tinker with your system, but if you are unsure as to what a setting may change, please message us first.

In this article we are going to focus on the sections that you are most likely going to need to edit. If you wish to tinker then there are descriptions next to each item. Just make a note of what you changed in case you need to change it back.

System Tab

Country - When you add a new contact, their address will default to this country.

Language - Here you can change the language of the system. The differences between the English languages:

British will use Surname, mobile, Postcode etc. Whereas American will use last name, cell, zip etc.

Date and Time Format - You can change the format of all dates in the system. These change the date/time pop-ups and the schedule date formats. Available are 

  • Day/Month/Year 12hour clock, 
  • Day/Month/Year 24hour clock, 
  • Month/Day/Year and 
  • Day/Month(in letters)/Year.

Mandatory Field Tab

When you add a contact to the system, you can make the name, email etc. compulsory, optional or hide them from the add/edit screen.

Invoice Tab

Logo height and width

If the logo on your invoice is skewed, you can set the sizes (in pixels) here.

Text and background colours

Further down the settings, you can change the text and background colours of the invoice.

Calendar Tab


When you first setup your festival pro account you will find the shows and festival calendar set to Friday-Sunday and 5pm-3am. Your event may well use very different times or even different days.  Here you can set various elements such as which days are displayed on your calendar and what hour it will begin. 


This section pertains to the production, to do list task manager. You will be able to choose if and when email notifications are sent to various usergroups. 

Correspondence Tab

This is a large section but the only thing here you may need to edit is the mail merge box. This is where the system will pull your system mail merges from. Here you can repoint menus (if your volunteer application has changed from our default form for example and is now pointing to a closed form via the menu), you can also edit your event dates, addresses and point logos and backgrounds manually to a file uploaded to your public files directory. 

Forms Tab

Use the colour picker to choose a text colour to use on the forms.