Creating your export
  • 12 Apr 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

Creating your export

  • Dark

Article summary

Exporting information from contacts in the system

If exporting from a multievents system, please ensure that the correct event is selected in the top right corner of your screen.

Festival Pro holds tons of information on your event, there are multiple places we can export this information. 

Exporting information from different contacts is the one we see being used most often, to do this you must search for the individuals that you would like to pull an export for, in this example I will export from all my confirmed artists. You can run any search filter terms, or visit any registration list and the export will relate to the results list you currently have displayed.

Here we can see on the bottom left the option to export. Once you have selected this, the below image will show up.


 The "select" option will allow you to bookmark an export once it is created. 

Filtering out blank columns will filter any columns which were found to not have information.

Export all contacts will..........

Once you click contact fields this will open up options for you to pull information regarding the contact, for example to first name, last name, and email. 

Please hold CTRL when selecting multiple options.

Under custom fields we can pull any profile field information, as you can see in the below image, I have selected to showmy artists Performance fee, the type of act and wether they are confirmed or not.

You can also see in this image the option to pivot by and order by, pivot by will create a line for each of the selected option and will make your exports more clear, for example, if you have an artist doing 5 performances it will look messy in the export if you pivot by company name. If we pivot by the stage/venue it will make a new line for each new stage, which will in turn create 5 lines for the artist with 5 performances.

In the example I have selected the HTML Format which will let you see an export in your browser. (Click here to see more export formats)

Exporting Files

If you are collecting files from any contacts, like a tech rider, or health and safty certificate you may want to to mass export these files for your records.

Please ensure if you are wanting to download a file an artist submits on a form you must sync the form field with a file field within the artist profile.

Once you select download it will download a zip file of the selected option onto your PC.

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