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Customising Tickets
Whenever you create a ticket against a field you will be given the Ticketing Options checkbox, clicking this box will create a ticket against this field and present you with our default E-Ticket.
You can make simple edits directly to this ticket directly on the ticket design window, such as altering the mail merges or inserting text or images. If you want to entirely customise your ticket background you can update the background via the menu, which will update the Eticket (Custom background) template.
To do this log into your config view and selecting the Configuration > Update Logo/Background
will have to make a new ETicket Template, you can do this by navigating to your Email Templates section and making a copy of our default ticket designs.
When creating your ticket background, you will need to create an image which is 944px x 454px or 1000px x 400px
You can use this Photoshop Template : https://cdn.document360.io/12699f2d-8618-45b7-8841-5ba40fd0cb03/Images/Documentation/fulltickettemplate_944x454px%20copy.psd
Once updated the ticket template Eticket (Custom background) template will have the new background.
Updating ticket backgrounds on multievents
If you have a multievent account you can follow the above instructions but will find the menu to update per event in a different location. To upload your ticket background please go to
Config > Multi Events and in there you can upload the background to the relevant multievent. Then click Settings and update the ticket background field.