Customising Form Templates
  • 28 Feb 2023
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Customising Form Templates

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Customising Form Templates

Please note, that although we give you the flexibility to alter the form templates and customise deeply, we cannot do these designs for you and It is recommended that you copy our default templates and then work from a copy rather than editing the original template file, so you can always revert if needs be. 

All form layouts are determined by which Design Template has been chosen. You can view any forms design template under Form Settings -> Page Design. By default we have a range of different layouts that you can switch between, save and then see the changes reflected upon your form.  If you wish to take this a step further you can create your very own templates, however it will require you have somebody confident with css. 

To create a new design template you will have to log into your config and then in the menu navigate to Design -> Form Templates. Here you will find all the templates in the Page Design dropdown. It is recommended that you copy our default templates and then work from a copy rather than editing the original template file.

Once copied you can hit the Edit button and you can then begin to adjust the templates via the CSS Stylesheet, Header and Footer.