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Discount Codes - These can be applied to anything on a form with a cost on a form and found on the forms Discounts tab. Discount codes give you an opportunity to give a purchaser various different types of discounts by giving them a unique discount code. At the top you will see a list of all codes that have been generated as well as an indication of how many remain and when the code expires
Adding A Discount Code
Promotion Code Name - This is where you will enter the code you wish customers to use on their form. These are case sensitive
Discount for Option - This is where you choose which item on the form, that this discount will apply to. For example, you want the code to give a discount on the adult weekend tickets only, you can choose this field.
Discount Type - Here you will find a few different options which you can set along with a box to input the amount your are discounting and if you are going to still charge a booking fee
Free - Give this item for free price
% Off - Give this item with a set percentage of the cost deducted
Money Off - Give this item with a set monetary value off the item
Fixed Cost - Give a fixed discount off the entire bill
Number Left - If you are limiting the number of these discounts in circulation please input the limit here, or leave blank for unlimited use
Valid From / Til Date - This is where you can set the date the discount code will be valid from and until.
Using the discount code
Your customer will have to have selected the item that you put a discount against in their basket or selected on their form. At the end of the form submission they will see a discount code box, into which they can enter the code that you have set up.