Editing Via Live Links
  • 12 Jul 2024
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Editing Via Live Links

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Article summary

Editing using live bookmarks (Premium Customers Only)

A great new feature in Festival Pro is the ability to not only create live bookmarks for external users to view information within the platform. But you can now enable some of those fields to be editable, allowing whoever you give the link to, to update those profile fields within the company profiles. 

For example giving someone the ability to update the Artist Fee or Biography directly via a bookmark link, without the need to be logging into Festival Pro. 

This follows the same process as Creating A Bookmark. With an extra step at the end to define which fields are allowable to change. This page will take through the whole process.

Initially get the results up for list of people you wish to be in the Export and then hit the Export Button at the bottom of the page. 

Then select your required fields, usually taking company names and the related custom profile fields that you want displayed / editable

Ensure you save a bookmark name

And run it off in HTML

This all so far follows the standard process for creating a bookmark, the next step is to set the editable fields. Open your Bookmarks Side tab, click Manage Your Bookmarks locate your created bookmark and click Edit.

Now you can see an Edit Permissions box. Please select in here the fields from your export that you would like people to change.  

Now save and revisit the bookmark link, you will find these fields now editable directly on the profile. These changes will save in the artists profile.