Adding Facebook Pixel / Google Analytics
  • 12 May 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

Adding Facebook Pixel / Google Analytics

  • Dark

Article summary

Facebook pixel

When you get your FP System all templates should already contain a section of code in the header: <TML INCLUDE=facebookpixel.tml>

(If you are using custom templates and unsure and want to check your template has the Facebook pixel code by logging into config and selecting Design --> Form Templates --> Edit and then Header.)


After you have confirmed the pixel code is in your template you need to ensure that the FACEBOOK-PIXEL-ID is placed into config. This is the ID you will get from Facebook.

You can input your ID once logged into config, go to configuration --> Settings --> Forms and you will see the text field in which you can place your Pixel ID.

Google Analytics

Google works in the same way and the google code is embedded in our default templates. 

You can add your google site tag in the same location as the facebook pixel ID.