Importing Shows/Shifts
  • 22 May 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

Importing Shows/Shifts

  • Dark

Article summary

Importing shows

To import a show we first need to make a CSV document on excel or any other software you can create a .csv file.

Next, log into config and hover over the tab "Configuration" From here you can see the option "Import CSV" Select the file you have created and continue

There are 3 images below which you will need to refer to when reading.

In image 2 we can see the festival pro system and fields we can link from our .csv (image 1) into the festival pro system.

Show ID is a must have field when importing shows, check your calender and see what your most recent show ID is. If it is 30 like in my example, we can begin the csv with 31 and continuing for each show. Show ID in this example is linked to the field in the system "Show/Shift Number" Which is at the very bottom of the list.

You can also edit existing shows by using the GROUP ID option which is next to show/shift number but keep in mind, any fields you do not import will not be changed and will remain as they are in the system already.

In image 3 you can see it has taken the columns from the .csv in image 1 and is asking you to link them to the correct places within the system. When we import shows we use the table groups and then match the columns accordingly. 

Please note when importing shows that the Show Stage/Venue, must already be created in the system to link properly. Also it is caps sensitive, meaning if your stage is called "Main Stage"

and you import "Main stage" it will not link. 

1. - Our CSV

2. - Current Show/Panel Fields

3.- How to link csv and fields on import