Pivot By Examples
  • 29 Nov 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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  • Dark

Pivot By Examples

  • Dark

Article summary

Pivot by and how to use it?

Pivot by is an essential tool when doing any export. In short, the field you pivot by will simply create a new row for every piece of information in the field you choose.

The best example of using pivot by is, for example if we pivot by organisation and try to view the stages the performers will be performing on.

Above we can see an example, 201 Dance company is playing on muliple different stages, however the stages/venues are all showing inside the same column.

As you can see, under "pivot by" I select Stage venue, This will now make a seperate line for each stage an artist is performing on. Which as you can see below makes much more sense visually.

You can use the same logic for any type of export, for example, you may have multiple subcontacts inside one artist, the pivot by function will create an individual line for each subcontact inside the artist company.