Profile Field Types
  • 18 Aug 2022
  • 2 Minutes to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

Profile Field Types

  • Dark

Article Summary

Profile Fields  Are individual values saved against somebodies profile. These exist within the users profile and can be input there either by yourselves editing their profile fields. For example setting their Accomodation or Stage Times. Or by somebody filling in a form via an Autologin link, with a field sync'd to one of these profile fields.

Text entry box - This is a simple, small one line text box for entry of any keyboard characters 

Text entry box large - This will create a paragraph box for larger entry of any keyboard characters. You can set the size of this box under it's field options. 

Number - This will only allow a numeric entry to be inserted 

Single select -  This will create a dropdown whereby the user can select one singular option from the list. 

Multi select - This will create a dropdown whereby the user can select multiple options from a dropdown list (by holding control and click on windows or command click on mac) 

Date dd-mm-yyyy - This will create a Date Field editable with a calendar

Date dd-mm-yyy-hh-mm - This will create a Date and Time Field editable with a calendar

Start/end date and time - This will create a field with a start date, end date and a time editable with a calendar

Date of birth - This will create a date of birth field with a editable with a calendar 

Counter - This will allow a number to be selected via a counter. You can set the min-max Range. 

Checkbox - A checkbox will enable your user to select multiple items from an options list. 

Radio - A radio button will only allow the user to choose one of a variety of options 

 Workflow - This creates a Single select that restricts the field you can change it to. For example a workflow of an agreement  Introduced -> Warm/Cold ->  Warm -> Hot/Completed

Url - This will only allow valid website addresses to be entered. 

File - A field to store sync'd uploaded files from a form

Public file - A field to store sync'd public uploaded files from a form

Description - Allows you to add descriptions between fields. Useful for notes. 

 Expense - An expense field is a numerical field which is included in your dashboard stats income and outgoings. Used for things like Performance Fee.

Income - A numerical field which is included in your dashboard stats income and outgoings. Used for things like Vendor Fees. 

Contact - This field allows you to link a contact in your system to the profile. 


Date – option grid - This field can be used with an different options relating to different dates. For example, you could have Breakfast, Dinner and Lunch selectable over a number of days. 

Quantity – option grid - This field can be used to display multiple options under one field and allow numbers to be set inside the options. The way we use this on demo is having multiple ticket types for accreditation, you can then place a number next to which tickets you would like an individual to select, then you can set a form to only allow the set number of tickets from this field.

Date – quantity – option grid - Similar to "Date option - Grid" In this field you can set fields relating to dates but a numerical value can be selected on different dates and options instead of a checkbox.