Volunteer applications and acceptance
  • 13 Oct 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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  • Dark

Volunteer applications and acceptance

  • Dark

Article Summary

How to put volunteers into my system and add them to my confirmed list

Adding volunteers to festival pro is very simple, you can use our volunteer application form to capture any information you might be interested in knowing before confirming a volunteer.

You can use the underlined link to allow people to access the form and fill out their information. 

As is the case with all forms in festival pro, this is highly customisable, as you can see in the image below we are capturing the primary contact fields for your volunteers which is imperative to create a contact within the system. As you look to the bottom of the image you can see more festival specific questions are being asked.  You can also add a volunteer manually in your menu by going to volunteers -> add new. See Adding Contacts Manually

Once somebody has completed the form they will fall under the registrations tab. You can also press "View all applicants" Under the volunteer tab at the top of your system.

We will be able to see basic information such and their names and when they entered the form on the registrations list. By pressing view we can look at everything they have answered within the form.

Also by using the search tab we can filter down out registrations by more specific form fields, for example we could pull a list of everyone who said they are first aid trained. Or a list of all people available on Wednesday.

From the monitor icon shown in the photo below we can quickly toggle the checkbox to confirm the volunteers. Once this has been completed your volunteers will be found under the "Volunteers confirmed"" tab at the top of your system.