Form Basics - Form Settings Video
  • 14 Dec 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Form Basics - Form Settings Video

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Article summary

Here you will find a quick video overview of the more details topics below in this category. This is a good place to start if you need a basic overview of form settings. 

  1. 00:50 - Create a new form 
  2. 02:20 - Form Settings 
  3. 03:05 - Form Access Options 
  4. 05:20 - Form Payment Options 
  5. 07:40 - Form Completion Options 
  6. 08:19 - Tagging Form Registrants 
  7. 09:11 -  Top Page Text and Form Fields 
  8. 10:40 - Add A New Page To A Form 
  9. 11:30 - Form Completion Page and Confirmation Email 
  10. 12:18 - Discounts, Ambassador Tabs and Stats 
  11. 13:57 - Searching a forms registrations 
  12. 14:40 - Form Registrations 
  13. 15:27 - Add Columns and review registrations 
  14. 16:09 - Registration Tabs