Export Formats
  • 03 Oct 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

Export Formats

  • Dark

Article Summary

Different export formats - What do they do?

When creating an export you will see there are 5 different type of export formats.

XLS - This is the native format for use in Microsoft Excel. 

CSV -  This format will allow you to export in the form of an comma separated spreadsheet, useful for further editing and importing to other software, such as Excel or Open Office.

PDF - Ideal for printing and emailing to individuals if required.

HTML - This will create a tabled export in a web viewable form. 

XML - Export the information in XML (extensible markup language) format, useful for web developers making webhooks

JSON - Export the information in JSON (Javascript Object Notation) format, used primarily by web developers