Synching Form Fields To Profile Fields
  • 25 Jul 2023
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Synching Form Fields To Profile Fields

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Article summary

Sync Data To

You will be able to find the "sync data to" dropdown inside the edit option on the field you would like to sync. Once you hit edit you can go to field options and see it there.

There are two types of fields that can be saved against an account. There are Form Fields, these are the fields filled out on a form by say, an artist, volunteer or vendor etc... Or there are Profile Fields, these are the things that you set against somebodies profile, for example their stage times, fees, accomodation or anything else that you can view when clicking on the artists profiles.  If something is going to be filled in on a form, but you need that to also be reflected within their profile, for example, a vendor submits their electrical requirements on a form, but you want this to be on their profile. You can sync their answer from the form, to their profile.

To implement this, you quite simply select the profile field from the drop down list that you would like the data, once submitted, to be synced into. 

If the field has not yet been created, you can either go to Config and create a new profile field, which will then show in the dropdown list. Or you can use the Add New Field option on the dropdown. 

When you add a new field this way you will be presented with a pop-up box. In here you want to keep the top as Organisation. The Group is the section that this field will be created in, these are the same as the profile fields in config / the dropdown menu on an artists pop-up screen.  The Type will give you a range of field types, be sure to match these up to compatible fields, you cannot sync a text box to a date field for example.  Not every field type is available on this method (Although most commonly used are) if the field type you are looking for is not here, you will have to log into config and add it via the profile fields there.